Thursday, August 13, 2009

Busy, busy, busy . . .

I haven't actively written for the last few weeks. Sorry. I know you've all seen through my veiled attempts to keep things active by posting pictures and videos. But it's only because I've been swamped.

I am working my little tail off on my edits. Okay, I'm probably working too hard. It's just so difficult to make the words work. The plot needs to be water-tight, the prose needs to stay true to the protagonists voice, the characters need to be three dimensional, the setting needs to be the perfect blend of camp, pulp and realism to make me smile. Oh yes, we can't forget the "to be" verbs. Can't have too many of those. Must keep the story active. Show don't tell. That's the motto.

Yeah, those are fun edits to fix. (I'm dripping with sarcasm here.)


I've been busy. Muy, muy busy. In the most productive way. My book is coming along quite nicely. I have to say. Maybe no one else will like it quite as much as I do. Maybe no one else will like it at all. Frankly, I don't really care. I have fought to keep this story my own. If I love it, I will be satisfied. No matter the outcome. Wow, am I one tough cookie to please, though.

Maybe that's not a good thing. I don't know. It is what it is.

I just keep plugging along. In the mean time life goes on. School starts next week. I start a new semester with new students and speeches and faculty meetings. Fall yard projects need to be completed. The bathroom in the basement needs to be painted before we install the cabinets and the list goes on and on and on.

What I wouldn't give for a carbon copy of myself . . .or at least a maid and a gardener. I can't add cook to the list because cooking brings me as much joy as writing. So does gardening actually, but it sure would be nice to have somebody help me with the weeding.

I could get discouraged here, it's Thursday night and I'm a week behind schedule. Because I act all persnickety over the last ten chapters of revisions while the red hot noise for my work at the beginning of the summer has cooled to complete silence. But I won't. It's counter productive.

The only thing I can do is write on. And if it takes me Tolkien time to edit this book to my pleasing, so be it. Cause it's got my name on the first page and that's saying something.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christmas in August!!!!

This is for Laura . . . and all the parents who still see the innate value in our flawed public school system.

Can you feel the blissful silence coming? It's better than Christmas!

But that's not all . . .

Because I am such a huge fan of school supplies. Huge! I have to post this one as well. Because A) my hair totally looks like this when I go to the beach and B) if this writing thing doesn't pan out, I so want this job. Really, what is more joyful than a cart full of school supplies? The smell of a brand new notebook and a fresh box of presharpened crayons, anyone? Even adults can't resist those beautiful new points of color.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Music Monday- All things Gleeky

I was a member of Show Choir in High School and Drama Club, Speech and Debate, and Academic Decathalon. Most of my friends were in Band and Cross Country. Yes, I was a geek but before Nerd fighters and Lord of the Rings movies and Comicon. I know, it's hard to believe there was a time when looking like Napolean Dynamite was so not cool.

I still remember that wonderful ride Senior Year on the Homecoming float for the fall musical production of The Unsinkable Molly Brown. We had a ten pound bag of salt water taffy to throw to the crowd. When we generously tossed handfuls of candy to the football team, (AKA my very popular sister and her friends) they threw it back. Hard.

Finally there's a show for all of us who were forced to attend football games for band credit. We'll see if season one will be able to deliver. But it definitely looks promising. I can relate to the characters on so many levels. The writing is sharp, the actors are talented. Frankly, I thought it was pretty friggin' hilarious. Here is the pilot to one of the most original and exciting new shows of the season. It takes about 45 minutes to watch but is so worth every minute. Hope you like.

Are you a Gleek? Have you been converted?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mad Hatter

This is half of me . . . and my favorite hat.

This is me climbing in said hat.
This is the rest me . . . and my hat.

Tell me you like my hat.

(All photos—copyright 2009 Jason Stevens Photography )