Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 31

Labor day is coming. Yay! Time for another vacation? I'm still trying to decide. The last one was so amazing just thinking about it and I'm Jonesen for another river.

Did I mention that we had a party on the last night of our river trip? We had 20 plus people over for Prime Rib, my friend KimG's amazing roasted veggies and homemade ice cream!

Virg- Our patron saint. The whole reason the Norse God and I met. 
The Norselet's talking Amy J's ear off. 
Is that Apple cobbler I smell in that dutch oven? 


going gordon said...

such amazing pics (as always when its your honey taking them). that was such a blast! when we asked the kids what they wanted to do for labor day p said idaho. so hard to explain that we can't do that for just a weekend. hope you're entertaining the green idea... we'd LOVE to have you! just won't be the same if you're not there.

Melinda said...

Your comments are on?!
Awesome pics. I'm glad that you are having so much fun.

Suzy Toronto Studios said...

These pics and your "prayer" about flying off the edge of this cliff...hopefully not to to your death, made me think of a quote by a favorite author of mine, Douglas Adams. He said "the secret to flying is to throw yourself on the ground, and miss.